Wednesday, April 18, 2007


In memory of the tragedy at Virginia Tech.


They were sparks of life
But madness snuffed the light out
It was too early

May God be with you.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


The fact that I'm posting so many posts in so few days means, for one, that at least my creative abilities have not totally depreciated. Haha. It could have also meant that I was freer, since my last two major essays were handed up last Friday, but that's not true as I've got a test later on at about 6 pm and I've also got a short report to write up for me language module.

Anyway, we had fellowship training today. It wasn't really quite 'training', since it was basically a panel on singlehood presented by P and J and hosted by Y, and it was more entertaining than informative, since as Y put it, "You all know most of this stuff already anyway."

After the event, we all were just mingling about, and then W came up to me and we started talking, and he mentioned that we didn't have to be part of the SDU anymore, we could be SUD (Single Unwanted Dudes). I upped him one by suggesting we could be SLUGs (Single, Lonely, Unwanted Guys, small 's' since plural). K wanted to go the extra bit and replace 'Guys' with something that started with 'T' instead, but we immediately vetoed him on the spot.

Oh, and the senior students like prepared lots of little cards with a little varnished M&M on it as like their going away gift, since this was their final FT. This is what it looked like:

I was really touched lah, since it obviously took quite a bit of time to prepare it, and it should be made known that senior year isn't exactly the senang-est time in uni life. And many of the seniors wrote a little note inside, though not all of them were represented. (Like MS didn't write inside, but I think it's cos she was preparing for the FT itself, and not because I tricked her into eating chocolate without nuts, biscuits or rum last week.)

Oh, and just to take a poll (not that I'm anal about it or anything. I really do appreciate this little card), but should it be 'a M&M' or 'an M&M'?

Regardless of whatever it should be, whether 'a M&M' of 'an M&M', or even if they made a mistake and called it a Smartie, I really do feel blessed by knowing the year 4s who continued to work hard in both their academic life as well as in campus ministry, and for providing guidance, leadership, and friendship. God bless guys.

Oh and before I forget, thanks D for trying to help make me feel better on Monday night.

And while we are on the subject of fellowship, this here is the picture of the Guyros guys who went to catch 300 a while ago. Yeah. All of us, except the blurry guy at the left side of the photo. He's an unknown passerby.


Sunday, April 01, 2007


Played a bit of basketball today, then went for dinner with Grandparents. Grandma's birthday celebration.

Just received some news from A over MSN about some stuff, and I dunno, just kinda made me feel a little down, and it's got quite a bit to do with me. Cos like, it's one thing when it happens because you've done your best, but it's another thing when you know you haven't. Even if this final result is for the best.

I guess listening to sad jazz music doesn't do very much to help dissipate the feeling.

Happy April Fools' Day.
