Anyway, I've started school a few days after the previous entry. Managed to get myself a four-day week, a whole bunch of new friends (mainly from VCF), and a new laptop, upon which I am currently typing out this entry. It looks like this:

Yeah, anyway, it is a Macintosh. Here's to your dreams of a Windows empire, Bill Gates! hahaha... what?!?! It can't run that many games? Whaddya mean it can't..?!? NOOOO!!!!!!
Nah. I really like my iBook. It's so cool. Heh... I've converted already....And it can even run the Microsoft programs like Word and Excel... Whee!!!
Anyway, rubbish aside, I've yet to fully settle into the study mood, but I have learnt some pretty valuable lessons.
First off, I discovered that I was seen as a rather cold person. Which, I felt, was strange, since I don't exactly snub people. Though I am a bit shy, which may have been mistaken by others as being cold. (of course, it could also be that my wish to appear un-shy manifested itself in my being cold.) And no, I have the same body temperature as any other normal human... I can almost see that thought forming up in Justin's, Jie's or my brother's mind...
Next, I found out that I'm actually pretty good at baking. Haha... yes... Seriously. Other than eating the cookies I've done so far, the biggest kick I get is telling people that I did bake it as they bite one. The look of incredulity/fear in their eyes is worth the hours I invested. Haha... but don't worry. So far no one has gotten diarrhea...
And finally, I've learnt that I've not exactly been a good steward. We keep on saying that we can touch the lives of others through our daily living, but when that becomes the reason for not directly telling others about the true love of Christ, then something is seriously wrong. Thanks alot Sam, for the jolt back to reality. Time to change something.
Anyway, this week is the school holiday week for all non-tertiary institutes, which has been a lie ever since I was still enjoying such privileges, since most of the students go back for even longer hours, in the so-called "preparation" for major exams... bah... might as well they cancel the holidays and add it to the end of year hols... haha...
Will be going for All Asia EFC conference on Wed and Thurs. Yeah. Sounds like fun. I could have played during the conference, since my church is handling one day's worship, but I dont have holidays then... bummer....
Ah well...
how come i've never eaten something you've baked???
oh, btw, it keeps slipping my mind.. can i link u?
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