Sunday, October 02, 2005


I haven't played acoustic guitar for worship for quite awhile. OK, I know I played for Heavenward early last month... But they didn't depend so heavily on the acoustic guitar. This weekend, of the 6 songs they want to do, I think I have to start for 5 of them... and my fingers are hurting already!!! AUGH!! I'm weak! But my fingertips really hurt... I always get this nasty thought that halfway, as I'm playing, my skin will give way, and my fingers will start bleeding... eeeee.... fingers.... pain...

Ah well...

The other thing is that last month I spent quite a bit of money on presents and stuff. So many people I know turning 21 this year... (no, it's not a coincidence that I'm also turnig 21 this year)... and this month there's going to be more of them... plus one of my men is going to get married. And I've got to get him something too... and is brother's birthday too... ack... wallet... pain....


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